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Saturday 6 April 2024

Draft Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting March 25th 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

March 25th 2024


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb. 

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (January 22nd 2024):

Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir and Faith Ward.

Summary of actions following the meeting


Add charity donation to next agenda.


Add list of potential local charities in the next Bugle


Contact bus service provider for information about route extension to Burton Green


Ask Bugle delivery team about posting information slips to residents regarding the bus service


Contact WCC Traffic and Safety team


Purchase aprons and gloves


Renew hygiene certificates

Mary and Hilary

Publicise the scarecrow trail

Judi and Janet


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of January 22nd 2024 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Check with PC about Red Lane bus stop. This was progressing and there had also been discussions about two further bus stops in the village. Andy said road safety matters had also been considered and a safety audit was to be carried out regarding the new road over the Cromwell Lane bridge. The lack of a lowered kerb on one side of the pavement was considered a problem for wheelchair users and those with prams and pushchairs.

  • Raise matter of Hodgetts Lane/Waste Lane junction at next PC meeting. Solihull MBC had offset a stop sign so that it no longer overhangs the road where lorries can hit it. Thanks were expressed to Chris Langton who has worked hard for several years to try to get the authorities to improve the safety of the junction.

  • Add charity donation to the May agenda. Action: Judi Mary would prepare a list of local charities to add to the September Bugle. Action: Mary

  • Reminder in next Bugle about Open Gardens on June 16th  - completed

  • Find other local printers and compare costs for Bugle printing. Dianne said she had done an internet search and prices were comparable with the current printer.

  • Funding application to PC completed and agenda item. Judi had sent thanks.

The minutes of the January 2023 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall:

Paddy reported that Deeley’s had been back to consider snagging items now that it was 12 months since the trustees had taken ownership of the building. There was still a problem with the flush on the disabled toilet. A ramp was now available to allow wheelchair users access via one of the side doors. Landscapers had been working on the grounds and had dug a ditch to help drain the water from the field. A contact at Warwickshire Wildlife had offered a plan for hedging and wildflowers. This was sponsored by Severn Trent Water. 

Events had been a success, in particular the recent ceilidh.

Bookings were good, including some wedding receptions.

The time capsule had been recovered beneath the old village hall and it was to be opened on May 19th at the pop-up plant sale. Decisions about the future of its contents were still to be decided.

There was a problem with rubbish collection and the trustees were moving the contract to Tom White.

Thanks were extended to the Village Hall committee for waiving the hire cost of the hall for the Residents’ Association Community lunch held recently.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 19 March 2024

Current Account net balance: £5,655.37

Deposit Account net balance: £1,018.86

Total Funds: £6674.23

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting

Christmas card printing - £276

50% contribution to G Illingworth gift - £33.00

Hire of village hall - £11.25

Income Since Last Meeting

Funds from BG Parish Council - £3300

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2025 - £3300.00

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Red Lane bus service – Rona had heard from Chloe (who had campaigned for a bus service) who had been told by one of the bus drivers that the route was to be extended to cover Red Lane. There were queries about where the bus would have room to turn around to go back into Kenilworth. Rona would contact the service provider for further details. Information would then be made available to residents. Mary would ask the Bugle delivery team if they would be prepared to post information slips on their routes.

Action: Rona and Mary

Concerns over safety at the Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction – this had been raised with the PC and would be covered by the safety audit. Rona would contact the WCC Traffic and Safety team.

Action: Rona

Post meeting note:

Rona contacted WCC and received the following response:

Thank you for your email of 26th March with regards to the junction of Cromwell Lane and Hodgett's Lane.

This is a temporary scheme installed and maintained by HS2’s main contractor in the area, Balfour Beaty Vinci (BBV).   This scheme has been subject to the consenting process outlined in schedule 4 of the HS2 2017 Act.  As part of the consenting process this scheme has been subject to RSA 1, 2 & 3 Audits which have been carried out independently by contractors commissioned by BBV.  WCC has been represented throughout this process by one of our HS2 Commissioning Engineers (Road Safety).


The stage 3 audit was carried out on the 29th November, 2023 where the scheme was considered on the whole and the visibility from the Hodgetts Lane junction was considered in detail.

The auditors considered the visibility issues of this temporary scheme ( all be it for some time ) and considering the self-regulating factors of the topography, speed limit and traffic signals considered that with appropriate trimming and maintenance, whilst not ideal the visibility available was sufficient.


We hope this provides some background and some reassurance that amongst all the issues considered with the scheme this facet was one and it received careful consideration.  That said,  we would not wish to dismiss observations from the local community, this scheme due to it’s temporary nature is one that is monitored and maintained by HS2’s contractors, BBV,  whom would be responsible for considering amendments, design, sign placement etc.


Any concerns can be brought to the client and contractors’ attention via the HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk email address, which is the suggested path for complaints or observations to be made.  

We trust that you find this email informative and thank you for contacting Warwickshire County Council. 

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community lunch – This had been a great success with many attendees sending thanks to Mary and her team. Thanks were extended to the team and to the chef, Paul Spence. Mary said the team would be feeding back about the event and making some minor changes to their plans for the future. The committee agreed to the purchase of 9 aprons and a box of gloves for use at future lunches. Hilary and Mary were to renew their hygiene certificates.

  • Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates. No further progress.

  • HS2 issues

Peter’s report:

Interim Report on HS2 Following Teams Meeting on 11 March 2024

Progress with the tunnel on the North side of Cromwell Lane has been going well. The roof slabs have been completed as can be seen from the bridge. The amended plan included holes in each slab to allow excavation from above. This has been completed in the slabs nearest the road and the concrete base will be poured in due course (600 to 800mm. thick). It will be locked to the walls by a corbelled structure. 

Excavation at the northern end of the tunnel is being undertaken partly from above and partly through the north portal. At the open end north of the portal the earth with be excavated between the diaphragm wall on the west side and the piles on the right. These will then be bridged with precast

props. Some 39 or so props are currently stored near to the Bentonite Silos.

Work will soon be starting to clear the land for the Transformer Feeder Station. It will be a triangle of land between Hodgetts Lane and the HS2 track.

We were promised that Cromwell Lane would not be closed again in the immediate future. However, the electricity supply to the lights, including the traffic lights, around the bridge has proved unreliable. In order to rectify the problem, the bridge will be closed for 5 days in early April.

There will be public briefings in March and July. The latter one will include archaeological findings as a result of the earthworks and should be very interesting.

There was considerable discussion about the Defibrillators. It was suggested that one should be relocated to Red Lane near the post box to cover that area.

Complaints have been received about the road surface in Cromwell Lane between Red Lane and the bridge. This is the responsibility of Warwickshire County Council and will be taken up by the Parish Council. HS2 have apparently contributed towards the cost of resurfacing.

Complaints have also been received about the surface of the temporary Greenway between Hob Lane and Waste Lane. With all the rain, the surface has turned to a thick paste in some areas, causing danger to both cyclists and walkers. We were promised that the surplus surface material would be raked off.

Peter Stanworth

HS2 rep for BGRA

  • Defibrillator update 

Judi explained that there was now a working defibrillator in a cabinet on the wall outside 18 Hodgett’s Lane. The Parish Council wanted to erect a pole in Red Lane and to use the solar cabinet which HS2 had positioned outside the old village hall. Final location of this in Red Lane needed to be decided.

A decision was taken not to insure the defibrillators and equipment belonging to BGRA.

  • Mosaic maintenance

Jo Edler was in the process of maintaining the mosaics. There would be a small cost for tins of sealant. Mary had arranged for the plaques to be renewed.

Residents had been asked for a volunteer to mow the Coronation verge.  Andy Gibbs agreed to do this but if other residents were willing, this could be a shared task.

  • Bugle delivery – more deliverers were needed. Lesley Knight had kindly   agreed to cover the Broadwell Woods site. Mary had taken on Archie Taylor’s patch.

  • Garden Open Day 2024 and float. 

Plans were in place for this event to take place on June 16th 2024. Seven residents had now volunteered to take part and two meetings had taken place so far.  A reminder had been added to the recent Bugle. Judi and Janet agreed to consider circulating information of the scarecrow trail via the school newsletter and on Facebook.

Action: Judi and Janet

  • PC funding application approved (Bugle funding; bulbs; verge maintenance). A thank you letter had been sent.

  • Priorities for precept money (standing item): Bugle funding; bulbs; Coronation verge maintenance

  • Parish Council Report


Several matters concerning the PC had already been discussed.

Cllr. Kyn Aizlewood was working on a plan to connect existing pockets of woodland in the area. Cllr. Warwick Webster was doing a tree survey.

Stoneymoor Farm had sought permission for solar panels on its roof.

Plans for the Red Lane play area refurbishment had been drawn up and a working party created. Ideas were being sought for activities on the playground and on the field on the Burrow Hill estate. The application for a battery farm on Hodgett’s Lane was still pending. A barrier was being installed on the Burrow Hill car park. The notice board there was to be lowered.

  1. Any Other Business: 

A query was raised about the pods that had been erected to the rear of the Stanworths’ property and had since been refused planning permission. It was believed they had been put up for sale but, at the moment, because the ground was so wet, it would be difficult to move them.

A resident had reported that the owners of Beanit Farm were burying rubbish, including plastic, in the field where there had been fires last year. This was an environmental issue and the relevant parish council needed to be informed.

Faith Ward had agreed to BGRA buying her a shrub in memory of her husband, Nigel.  This would happen when Faith was ready.

7. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for May 20th 2024. This would be held at 6:45 to allow time for the parish council meeting afterwards.

Other meetings would take place in 2024 as follows:

July 22nd

September 23rd

November 25th

Friday 8 March 2024

Bugle - March 2024

The March 2024 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting January 22nd 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

January 22nd 2024


Dianne Adams; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb. 

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (March 27th 2023):

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Judi Hibberd, Paddy Deeley, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward.

Summary of actions following the meeting


Check with PC about Red Lane bus stop progress


Raise matter of Hodgetts Lane/Waste Lane junction at next PC meeting


Add charity donation to May agenda


Reminder in next Bugle about Open Gardens on June 16th


Find other local printers and compare costs for Bugle printing

Mary and Dianne

Funding application to PC



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of November 27th 2023 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Pass on spare daffodil bulbs to Cheryl - completed

  • Report to Peter about bridge brickwork discussions - completed

  • Remove Red Lane housing item from the agenda - completed

  • Inform Lesley we do not wish to insure the defibrillators and the bleed kit. (agenda item) - completed

  • Ask Alice if she can use the spare defibrillator cabinet within Burton Green (agenda item) completed

  • Letter of thanks to Marlene Hills - completed

The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall:

Dianne Adams, as one of the Village Hall trustees, said the Hall was receiving a lot of bookings, in particular for children’s parties. Although internal walls had been repainted, black marks were still in evidence and the trustees were considering attaching a wall covering that could be cleaned easily. The hall’s insurers wanted key codes to be changed weekly. A decision had been taken to install a second key box for casual hirers and the code would be changed more regularly. Regular hirers would not need to have their code changed so often.

Rona asked about lighting outside when events or meetings finish after dark. Dianne pointed out the override switch which activates the outside lights for 30 minutes.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 16 January 2024 

Current Account net balance: £2399.62 

Deposit Account net balance: £1,016.62 

Total Funds: £3416.24 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting 

Book Tokens for Xmas card competition - £40 

Hire of hall for Jeremy Wright Meeting - £11.25 

Santa Sleigh refreshments £16.68 

December Bugle and Xmas card printing - £766 

Income Since Last Meeting None 

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2024 - £0 (£395.82 overspent)

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Bowling Club

The committee was pleased to see this was so successful. Rona had been approached to see if the Residents’ Association could provide a loan to help extend the lanes. It was agreed that as the committee has a policy saying it is not a grant giving organization, this would not be possible.

Red Lane bus stop

There was a need for more hard standing for the children who wait for a bus to go to school. A bus shelter would also be useful.  It was agreed this was a matter for the Parish Council. Rona would check with the Parish Council clerk if there was any progress on this matter.

Action: Rona

Red Lane bus service

Rona reported a meeting had taken place with Jeremy Wright MP on December 16th. As a result, he had agreed to approach the bus service to see if the route could be restored and then to speak to Warwickshire County Council to point out their plans to build new housing estates did not take into consideration the lack of public services.

Concerns over safety Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction

Now that the temporary bridge in Cromwell Lane was in use, many drivers were going too fast to accommodate the sudden turning into Hodgetts Lane. This situation had been exacerbated by the traffic lights that had recently been in place just inside Hodgetts Lane as these had caused tailbacks onto Cromwell Lane.

A committee member also pointed out the problems that continued with the junction at the Waste Lane end of Hodgetts Lane and that another accident had happened there very recently. It was agreed that the problem of the dangerous junction should be raised by Burton Green Parish Council with Berkswell and Balsall Common Parish Council. Rona would raise the matter at the next PC meeting.

Action: Rona

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates.

It was hoped that these matters could be actioned before long.

  • HS2 issues

HS2 had agreed to remove and store the coping stones from the original Cromwell Lane bridge until they were needed. The Village Hall trustees had expressed an interest in using some of them.

  • Defibrillator update 

A new defibrillator for Hodgetts Lane had been sited on the verge outside the old village hall. Judi had sent a report as follows:

The defib is in place but as it’s solar powered there have been concerns re the hedge behind it so after discussions with HS2 they cut a hole in the hedge to allow the light in.

Mike Hibberd installed a data logger in the cabinet to check the temperature as it needs to be between 3 and 5 to keep the defib warm enough to keep the gel pads working.

If it isn’t warm enough it alarms and that runs the battery down really quickly.

So far it isn’t keeping it above 3 but Mike continues to monitor it.

If it doesn’t work then plan b is to get HS2 to turn the whole thing around so the solar panels face south and again monitor using the data logger.

So although it is in place it isn’t working so far. To be continued!

  • Charity decision. 

Because the Santa’s sleigh collection had been so successful, it was agreed that the collection would be split between three charities, rather than two as originally stated.

The committee agreed further thought needed to be given to the process next year.  A unanimous decision was taken that any charities supported would need to be local. Further discussion would take place at the May 2024 meeting Action: Judi

Thought needed to be given to how the collection could incorporate on-line donations.

  • Garden Open Day 2024. 

Plans were in place for this event to take place on June 16th 2024.Six residents had volunteered to take part and one meeting had taken place so far.  A reminder would be added to the next Bugle in case of any further interest.

Action: Mary

  • PC funding application (Bugle funding; bulbs; verge maintenance)

Last year we asked for £3000 as it went up from 2022 which was £2887.

The purpose we put was:

All costs associated with running and administering The Bugle.

The production of publicity material relating to community matters.

The purchase of equipment and material used to further community ventures and events

It was agreed that because of the increase in resident numbers, more copies of the Bugle needed to be printed. Mary and Dianne agreed to check costs with other printers to ensure value for money.

Action: Mary and Dianne

An application to the PC for £3,300 should be submitted.

Action: Judi

  • Priorities for precept money (standing item): Bugle funding; bulbs; Coronation verge maintenance

  • Parish Council Report


Cllr Gibbs reported that a PC planning committee was to be established. At the recent PC meeting, discussions had taken place about biodiversity to incorporate tree planting to connect existing pockets of woodland in the area and the question of tree preservation orders.

The PC was looking at providing a barrier for the car park on the Burrow Hill estate.

The PC clerk was to be appointed as a full-time post which will result in a slight increase to the precept.

  1. Any Other Business: 

A first aid event was to be held in the Village Hall on Monday January 29th at 7p.m.

Deadline for Bugle entries

Issue dates for Bugle

March 1st

9th-10th March

May 31st

8th-9th June

August 30th

7th-8th September

November 20th

30th-31st November

7. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for March 25th 2024. 

Other meetings would take place in 2024 as follows:

May 20th

July 22nd

September 23rd

November 25th